My Website

The First Month

Homepage (and CSS):

Immediately, I am delighted to discover that html is not as scary as I thought it would be from brief galnces at the 'inspect' menu. Neocities offers a link to a quite thorough explanation of coding websites. I have done the understanable thing and read only what I think I need, instead of reading it in order like it specifically says to do. What took the longest time to get the hang of was creating layouts. Originally I wanted to just recolour comeone else's, and actually I can't really remember what possessed me to not do that. Possibly something about wanting to be independant and rebellious, even despite my parents' absence, and do my own thing completely on my own. I struggled for two hours thinking I might never truly understand CSS and the realised I had forgotton a semi-colon.

For now I just have the skeleton up, bascially. I want lots of cute art everywhere. Only problem is knowing me I'll want to draw it myself and knowing my ADHD that's going to take some time. It's whatever though. I'll get around to it at some point, I'm sure. In the meantime, I'm not sure about the colour scheming. I'm not really very good at choosing colours for things like this, but people think I'm good at it because instead of actually thinking I just choose a saturation and have everything be a rainbow. I want rainbows on the page, yeah, but I want the majority of it to be pink. Maybe I'll trial a lighter background darker content.

EDIT, 27th: Found time to come back to this, and realised how inefficient I am. Did some housekeeping to fix some of it. Also going to start an actual blog post soon. I'm trying to use my meagre art abilities to make a header at the moment, and I have something, but I'm not sure it's going to stay. I'll put it up anyway, if only to make this place look a little more interesting.

EDIT, 29th: I spent a very long time learning about custom borders! After having made and implemented my possibily temporary header that I've decided actually I really like (and so will be staying), I decided I wanted to make one of those cool custom borders I see on other sites, and make it match. The actual making of the border took about half an hour, and would've taken less if I hadn't spent so much time fiddling with settings in Ibis Paint which I'm still not entirely sure how to fully utilise, but I wanted to ensure that it would be sliced up correctly. So... yeah! Now there's a cool border to go with my cool header! I did say I wanted rainbows, and rainbows we shall have more of!

404 error page:

Made sure the page not found message is in keeping with the rest of the site's style. Am disappointed in myself that I have not included the words "404 error" anywhere, and have instead placed myself low in the ranks amongst the people who did not get 100% in their IT GCSE. I'm really not sure why. But ogd knows why I do any of the things I do really.

Blog nav. page:

I came up with a very simple, easy to navigate-easy to code layout, and decided to look at some other people's websites for any further inspiration. Accidently found a really cool bit of code (thanks sadness!) and decided that not only did I absolutely need to use it, and on this specific page, I needed to make it more complicated. Spent a while googling and made some progress but got stuck. My options then were post in a forum or ask the bing ai that tries tor answer all my questions anyway wihtout asking. I hate other people so I tried the computer, which did finally provide me with an answer, or so I thought. I tried it and it didn't work, back to my future reason for redundancy I went, determined to do something *shiny* on the f---ing nav page. Asked it my query in several differnt fashions, before getting frustrated and remembering the inspect function shows error codes. As it turned out, I had misspelled the word "window". If you also code, you know my pain.

Anyway, this page works great now and I'm actually really proud of it! As with everything else I'll work on aesthetics later down the line.


I'm back at uni this month, so I'm not really sure how mch time I'll have to work on this site, but having already abandoned my fancomic (sorry! *presents my diagnosis in shame*) I'm sure I'll find the time.

page updated sept/23